Hallson Golf Scorekeeper
Using a Point System for League Play
We wrote this software making these assumptions about golf league play we have seen conducted over the years.
- Each round will get awarded points. A round could be a given day, over a week or over a month.
- Players are assigned to flights.
- All players will have handicaps and points are awarded based upon net score.
Feel free to check out the Demo System. Use "demo" to Enter System and "demodemo" to Enter Adminstration.
Per Group or Per League Features and Limits
- Players can be placed into 10 different flights. Use any number of flights 1-10.
- You define the points to hand out for each round. You are given point allocations for 10 places. Use any number 1-10.
- You can define a just for playing point. That rewards people who play but might not win enough and encourages play.
- Only the administrator can hand out points and define players to flights.
- All users have access to 2 reports on points.
- Report one shows who won what points for each round.
- Report two shows total points accumulated for the league. Each players name can be drilled down
to see in what round they won the points.
How the league administration would run a league?
- Most leagues require an initial round to be played to establish a handicap. If the league is 9 hole rounds
its usually best to have players submit 2, 9 hole rounds for setting a handicap. If the league goes from year
to year, just have first timers submit scores for establishing a handicap.
- Establish all the rules and enter them into the rules section of the system.
- Create of schedule of when rounds are to be played and enter them into the schedule section of the system.
- Create the points to be allocated for each place within the flight for each round. You can set points
to any amount for up to 10 places.
- Enter all players into the system through ADD/DELETE PLAYERS. If a player has a handicap from
previous years enter it now.
- Add scores for new players to establish a handicap.
- Once all players have a handicap, place players into flights 1-10 based upon handicap. Use ASSIGN TO FLIGHT.
There is a report on the main menu for displaying all players in handicap order.
- Verify flights through the VIEW FLIGHTS, this is a list of all players assigned to a flight
- Your are now set for play to begin. Below we will assume this league plays weekly and awards points per week.
- Week 1 has been played and all score cards turned in to the adminisrator.
- Enter all the actual scores into the system through ADD/DELETE SCORES, net score will be calculated.
- When entering scores for a week, enter the same date no matter when the round was played.
Example: Week 1 is set for June 5 - June 11, players can play anytime that week, enter all scores
under June 5. Enter week 2 under June 12, etc.
- With all scores enter run POINT SYSTEM ALLOCATION per the date above and flight number.
If scores comes in late, you can rerun this process and the points will be over written.
- To review use reports on the main menu.
All paying customers can provide input to future releases.
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