Hallson Golf Scorekeeper

Sign Up

User Agreement

Using this service is for golf enjoyment only.
The only private piece of information we keep is your email id. We do not sell email ids or send you constant emails. We may email you about outages, data loss or new features.
We will NEVER email you asking for any private information like: name, address, ssn, credit card, etc.
If you get an email from us asking for this private information delete it, it is not us.
We do backups, but if we lose your scores, sorry, this is intended for fun to help you understand your golf game.

  • User Code - Can be anything: letters, numbers, just no spaces
  • Name/Title - This displays at the top of each page.
  • Administrators Code - letters, numbers, just no spaces
  • Email - Valid email to complete sign up process.

To complete sign up, just click on the email link you will get and your done.

Login/User Code for Group/League
Name/Title of Group/League
Administrators Code

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